Tinder, McDonalds, and the Equestrian Industry

Hey there, partner. This is The Oxer by Pegasus. The newsletter that takes you out of your tack room and into the global equestrian industry.

🐴 Here’s what we’ve got for you today:

  • 🍔 Insights from McDonalds: Yes, you read that correctly. We unpack lessons from the World Horse Welfare’s webinar in building public trust in the equestrian industry.
  • 🏇🏻Swipe left or right. So you want to get a thoroughbred off the track? Check out Clare Mansmann’s exclusive article for Pegasus.
  • 🎬 Final Foals: Check them out after the second story of this edition.

Before we jump into it, have you checked out Pegasus yet?

Pegasus is the first modern clinic + horse show entry system that makes it easy to run an event from start to finish. You can accept online entry registrations, receive digital signatures for your event paperwork, as well as manage the logistics, scoring, and scheduling of your event.

The best part?

Pegasus is free to use and includes 24/7 customer service and marketing support. Stay tuned for the mobile app release coming next month.

Professional Show Jumper and Pegasus Ambassador Gabriela Reutter registering for an event on Pegasus

🍔Lessons from McDonald’s for the Equestrian World

In a recent-ish webinar organized by World Horse Welfare, industry experts shared illuminating parallels between the equestrian industry and the renowned fast-food giant McDonald’s. Here’s a deeper dive into the key insights:

1. Engagement is Key: Addressing public concerns head-on is vital. Rather than shying away from criticism, embracing open dialogue, transparency, and respect for diverse viewpoints can foster understanding and trust.

2. Trust as the Foundation: Trust forms the cornerstone of public acceptance. It’s not merely a legal obligation but an intangible pact between society and an industry. Building and maintaining trust requires tangible actions that demonstrate a commitment to equine welfare.

Royal President visits World Horse Welfare in Norfolk. Source: World Horse Welfare

3. Lessons from McDonald’s: Bob Langert, former Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability at McDonald’s, shared invaluable lessons from the company’s transformation. McDonald’s was a target of public scrutiny – from burger packaging concerns to significant animal welfare issues. With the attitude of underscoring the power of collaboration, transparency, and proactive measures in addressing concerns, they were able to go from being perceived as the villain to an environmental leader.

Be an open book; if you hide things, people think you’re doing wrong,” he said. “Work with your critics, with scientists. Get stuff done and don’t worry about being perfect as there’s always stuff to be done. Fix the hole in the roof while the sun’s shining.

4. Bridging the Gap: Charlie Arnot, founder of Look East, emphasized the importance of shifting from a defensive stance to building bridges with critics. By acknowledging concerns, fostering dialogue, and aligning actions with shared values, industries can bridge the gap and cultivate trust.

5. Pursuit of Excellence: Chris Riggs, Hong Kong Jockey Club Equine Welfare Research Foundation Director, highlighted the imperative of tangible improvements within the equestrian industry. Social license follows excellence, emphasizing the need for continuous improvement and accountability.

Social license shouldn’t be the target; that should be doing things really well, then social license follows.

By prioritizing engagement, transparency, and a commitment to excellence, the industry can not only uphold equine welfare but also earn enduring public acceptance and support.

🏇🏻So you want to get an OTTB? Swipe left or right

In honor of the upcoming Retired Racehorse Project Benefit Workshop hosted by Clare and Tom Mansmann at Pacific Farms, we’re dropping an OTTB exclusive, written by Clare herself.

(psst – registrations for the event are now open! Snag your spot as space is limited).

Off-track Thoroughbreds are becoming increasingly popular as versatile sporthorse projects that are often fairly inexpensive — but finding the perfect partner can be intimidating. Clare Mansmann, an OTTB professional, brings us a new series to help you get started!

Clare and Tom Mansmann with Noosh’s Tale at the 2017 Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover. Source: Clare Mansmann

Finding a horse is not unlike entering the dating scene (except it is a bit more fun, because horses). Before online dating took off, the steps were rather simple, albeit on the risky side: you saw someone you liked, you got your friends to attract attention, you gave your phone number, waited maybe three days, and went on a date while said friends knew your timing, location, and outfit choices. Pretty much everything after that was a bit of a gamble and the odds were not in your favor.

But today, we have tremendous resources and information at our fingertips. There are filters and algorithms and free background checks. You can apply the same standards of modern dating to decide if an OTTB is the right horse for you, which one is THE one, and the best way to get started on your search.

Start with this food for thought:

What are your goals for the relationship?

Goals are wonderful, but you can’t rely on one horse to necessarily fulfill them all. Consider breaking them into steps and begin with step one.

What attributes are most attractive to you?

Pretty is as pretty does. Look at suitability before worrying about size, color, gender and even worrying too much about conformation.

What are your hard limits and what can you be flexible about?

Properly rehabbed injuries are not future killers. We have seen tendon injuries, chips, soft feet — even old fractures heal well and strong and may not limit horses for even significant athletic careers.

What are your own experiences, strengths, and weaknesses?

You may want to date the Navy pilot who enjoys mountain climbing, para-sailing, and triathlons, but the reality is that you’re afraid of heights, don’t like the ocean, and don’t enjoy long walks … not even a little bit. Choose wisely and realistically. You don’t have to marry everyone you date and opposites only kind of attract. You do need some common ground.

OTTB Eve working on the lunge. Source: Clare Mansmann

Will your horse be coming home, to a trainer, or to a boarding barn?

If you’re reading this in order to educate yourself, you need a qualified trainer. Even trainers need trainers. If you think you don’t need a trainer, then you really really need a trainer. Websites such as www.retiredracehorseproject.org can assist in finding said trainer.

Do you have a trainer experienced with off-track horses?

There are a lot of great trainers out there, and while the OTTB is not a mythical creature and is not unlike any other horse, they are intelligent, active individuals, and a trainer sensitive to their needs and experienced in knowledge of their first career with be a definite asset.

What is your budget not only for purchase/adoption price, but for continued education and care?

This question is a bit loaded and relates to whether you are ready for a fresh off-the-track prospect or one that has had the initial transitioning done. I have had beginner riders ask if an OTTB is the right way to go, and my answer is always the same: there is nothing wrong with any type of horse as long as that horse is appropriate for the rider. The OTTB factor isn’t a part of the suitability. It’s individual.

Four year old OTTB Hill Four Eleven. Source: Clare Mansmann

Should a green rider get a green horse? With a qualified trainer assisting until the pair is ready, there really is no problem with this. Should the horse come off the track and head to an inexperienced rider’s backyard? No. That is not good horsemanship. And it all comes back to reasonable, common-sense horsemanship. The OTTB can be a wonderful and affordable option in that initial purchase price, but know that you have acquired a green horse that needs training. So you trade that initial price for time and training. This is not to turn you off. That process can create a bond like no other.

Also, there is a bit of a stigma that these horses need to be rescued, and this is simply not always the case. Are there OTTBs in rescue situations? Of course. And there are other types of horses in the same situations. We are all helping to get those horses into the best hands and lives. But there is a deeper root to that problem and that is what we need to (and are working to) provide an avenue to ensure these horses don’t end up in the wrong pipeline in the first place.

Please do not think that by purchasing a horse from a trainer who has already transitioned a horse that you are not doing a service to the industry. Professional trainers are regularly adopting or pulling horses straight from the track, giving them a beautiful transition, and are very much in need of matching those horses with their perfect human before being able to repeat the process and help the horses and the industry. Groups like the Retired Racehorse Project have links to trainers and organizations who specialize in finding and starting these fabulous horses and their work is well worth taking advantage of.

Should you vet your prospect?

Sure! Purchase price does not negate gathering information — but use your vetting as just that. There is no such thing as pass or fail, but simply that gathering of information to decide if the horse is physically capable of your goals and what management would be necessary. A “good” vetting does not guarantee your horse will reach your goals, and a “bad” vetting does not necessarily rule those goals out. You’re evaluating and keeping the data to help make decisions, but in the end, the decision and commitment are yours to make as to if this is the horse for you and if you are willing to see it through.

Now that you have this plan in mind, you can get started scanning the interwebs and reputable sources. Going straight to the track is possible, but not recommended without connections and assistance. Utilizing non-profit aftercare organizations or intermediaries who are experienced and have extensive connections in finding appropriate horses and evaluating the prospects are the way to go. If you see someone with an OTTB you like, ask them how they found him or her. Get references of the sources and recommendations. Again, the Retired Racehorse Project website has an entire directory of non-profits, farms and trainers, and racetrack contacts.

Always remember that you don’t need to (and shouldn’t) go it alone. To be set up for success, both you and the horse need help and direction as you find each other and undertake this journey together. If you’re willing to put in the time, and you have the adequate training opportunities, you can work together to become the dream team you envision.

Step back, look at your options, get great advice, heed said advice, and only then should you get ready to swipe right.

Ready to attend the Retired Racehorse Project Benefit Workshop? Register here on Pegasus.

🐴  This Week’s Final Foals

🚊 Late night horsing around on a train. Don’t worry, this Aussie horse is currently safe and sound.

👑 Royally binge-worthy polo. Prince Harry is producing a Netflix polo series.

💰Get paid to promote Pegasus. Love our event management system and want to share it? Check out our Pegasus Affiliate Program.

What did you think of these stories? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

We’re off to the races,

The Oxer by Pegasus

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